Monday, September 14, 2009

Frank Beals involvement with UCHB's SCAM

Frank Beals involvement with UCHB's SCAM

According UCHUB’s website …Frank Beals is listed as UCHUB’s Management

(click for bigger image)

And according to fBeals1 – the moderator of IHUB’s UCHB”S stock forum.

Frank Beals handles Data Managment and Internet Developement

Funny fBeals1 reminds me of “Frank Bealsummmm?
Here's that handsome Frank Beals:

Here's that handsome Frank Beals again:

Here's Frank Beals Helping Larry Wilcox with is Mining SCAM:

(click image for bigger picture)

Now this is where is gets STRANGE....

According to UC HUB’s (Larry Wilcox’s Scam Company) SEC Filing (FORM SB-2) …..

“On April 18, 2006, we issued 25,000 shares of common stock to Carol B. Beals

(Item 26 / page II-2)

I wonder if Carol B. Beals and Frank Beals are related.

You know what also funny…

If you do a Zabba Search on Carol B. Beals. (Enter Carol B. Beals)

These is the ONLY 1 Person that shows up in the whole country:

Born Aug 1944 (Frank Beals’ Mom – I bet.)
Lived at:


Less than 20 miles From Anthony Mellone (Macada/Lyftec) Scam Headquarters:
(6499 N. Powerline Road Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 )

And Lets Not forget…..

Lyfetec is registered at Steven Cohen’s Mom’s Condo in DELRAY BEACH FL 33446.


Less than 11 miles from Frank Beals’ Mom…LOL!

These Scammers are using

little old ladies to front their scams!

Do your Due Diligence:

Problems with Anthony Mellone:

Anthony Mellone’s Bogus Resume:

Steven Cohen (vp of tshl) Bogus Resume:

Anthony Mellone’s Gold Scam .. that Larry Wilcox (UCHB) took over:

See all of Anthony Mellone’s (tri-star/lietec / lyfetec) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

See all of Larry Wilcox’s (UC HUB) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

Larry Wilcox and Mining – Too Funny!

Larry Wilcox and Mining – Too Funny!

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive...

Want to see something really funny-
Concerning Wilcox’s Mining Equipment:

Here’s one of the pictures from Wilcox’s recent “Photo Overview PDF”

(Larry Wilcox’s Mining Equipment)

Here’s one of the pictures of Anthony Mellone’s Mining Equipment:

Notice any similarities?

Here’s another picture from Wilcox’s “Photo Overview PDF”
It's Wilcox's Mining Equipment....


This SCAM is Too FUNNY!

Sanford and Son has Nothing on Wilcox & Son!

Do your Due Diligence:

Problems with Anthony Mellone:

Anthony Mellone’s Bogus Resume:

Steven Cohen (vp of tshl) Bogus Resume:

Anthony Mellone’s Gold Scam .. that Larry Wilcox (UCHB) took over:

See all of Anthony Mellone’s (tri-star/lietec / lyfetec) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

See all of Larry Wilcox’s (UC HUB) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

What Ever Happened to Mellone’s UCHB Shares?

What Ever Happened to Mellone’s UCHB Shares?

From a November 18, 2008 Paid Press Release… Anthony Mellone said:

“ Global TV Network (aka Global Web TV) was acquired from Tri-Star Holdings (now Macada/Lyfetec) by .. UC Hub Group, Inc. for restricted common shares in that company….. management decided it would….retain the UC Hub Group shares as an asset of the company


From Anthony Mellone’s (Macada /Lyfetec) own Balance Sheet

There’s No Mention of these Shares!

MCDA’s company asset of UC Hub Group shares are nowhere to be found.

Unless you look into Anthony Mellone’s Pockets. – SCAM!

Do your Due Diligence:

Problems with Anthony Mellone:

Anthony Mellone’s Bogus Resume:

Steven Cohen (vp of tshl) Bogus Resume:

Anthony Mellone’s Gold Scam .. that Larry Wilcox (UCHB) took over:

See all of Anthony Mellone’s (tri-star/lietec / lyfetec) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

See all of Larry Wilcox’s (UC HUB) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

Larry Wilcox Owes Anthony Mellone $11,067.69

Larry Wilcox Owes Anthony Mellone $11,067.69

Larry Wilcox (CEO UCHB) Still Owes Anthony Mellone (CEO MCDA) over $11K for Global Web

“Due From Global Web $11,067.69”

From: Macada Holding’s Quarterly Report (Aug 28, 2009)
Source: - Another Larry Wilcox Failure

Anthony Mellone (CEO MCDA) and Larry Wilcox (CEO UCHB) are Part of the same SCAM.

Do your Due Diligence:

Problems with Anthony Mellone:

Anthony Mellone’s Bogus Resume:

Steven Cohen (vp of tshl) Bogus Resume:

Anthony Mellone’s Gold Scam .. that Larry Wilcox (UCHB) took over:

See all of Anthony Mellone’s (tri-star/lietec / lyfetec) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

See all of Larry Wilcox’s (UC HUB) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):


Anthony Mellone (CEO MCDA) and Larry Wilcox (CEO UCHB) are Part of the same SCAM

UCHB & MCDA have the same address
According to UC HUB’s Latest Filing (Form 8-K) as of Aug 24, 2009:

UCHB’s office is located at:

6499 N. Powerline Road
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309


And yes – Anthony Mellone and his MCDA (lyfetec, macada holding) has their office at:

6499 N. Powerline Road
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309


Anthony Mellone (CEO MCDA) and Larry Wilcox (CEO UCHB) are Part of the same SCAM
Do your Due Diligence:

Problems with Anthony Mellone:

Anthony Mellone’s Bogus Resume:

Anthony Mellone’s Gold Scam .. that Larry Wilcox (UCHB) took over:

See all of Larry Wilcox’s (UC HUB) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Anthony Mellone with Richard & Christopher Astrom

Anthony Mellone deals with

Richard & Christopher Astrom


It appears that Richard Anstrom and Christopher Astrom have a reputation as SCAMMERS.

Team Astrom
Richard Astrom (father)
Pamela Astrom (wife of Richard)
Christopher Astrom (son)
Mark Astrom (son)
Carmen Astrom (?)

See for yourself:

See Mellone’s Criminal Record (includes a Felony)
Last Name: Mellone First Name: Anthony (also try it again with Antonio)

See Mellone’s Civil Record (includes many evictions)
Last Name: Mellone First Name: Anthony (also try it again with Antonio)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An Insider View of Anthony Mellone’s Operations

An Insider View of Anthony Mellone’s Operations

On May 5, 2009 Anthony Mellone (ceo put out a paid press release saying that Phil Matteis (past ceo of this company) made misrepresentations about Matteis’company “Intellect Laboratories” and that Mellone basically fired Matteis.

Another Mellone Lie.
Mellone Didn't Fire Phil Matteis

Phil Matteis Quit.


Because he couldn’t stand Mellone!

Read Phil Matteis’ Two Emails:


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "pmatteis@xxx"
To: xxxxxx@xxxx
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 1:58:59 PM
Subject: Re: LyeTec and Mellone's SCAM

Hi Xxxx,

"When Anthony and I met, we discussed the status of his company (Tri Star) and an opportunity for me to join forces via a merger. After doing too little due diligence and really not understanding the full extent of the situation, I accepted the proposal and a management team position. I really blame myself for this outcome and only myself. Anthony agreed that I would work from Dallas, Texas for the first 6 months and then be relocated to Ft. Lauderdale. Shortly after I started, I visited the Ft. Lauderdale offices of Tri-Star for orientation. However, during that visit, I decided to quit immediately and turned in my 2 week notice to Anthony. Except for some small expense reimbursements, I did not accept any payments, pay checks or shares in the company, I declined to become a signer on the bank accounts, and basically walked. Regrettably, my name got associated with Anthony and his past activities.

It is amazing what 30 days of association can do to one's good name and reputation. As of now, I have nothing at all to do with Anthony or any of his companies and my total association with him and Tri Star (now LyfeTec) was about 45-60 days. To the best of my knowledge, after I left Anthony became a competitor.

Looking forward after leaving the company, I decided to cap my loses and proceed as I did prior to meeting Anthony - and disconnect completely from him and his companies without conflict.

Phil "


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "pmatteis@xxxx"
To: xxxxxx@xxxx
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:59:26 PM
Subject: Re: LyeTec and Mellone's SCAM

Hi Xxxx,

"I did not forget about your questions or their importance... but, I can answer questions regarding the inner working of Anthony's companies on a limited basis for two reasons. First, I was there for a very short time and second, I agreed when I left the company to keep certain things confidential as part of a customary mutual exit release. Therefore, I will answer as best I can and I really do want to help clear things up. So, let me start by saying that I know these answers may not be at the detailed level you are looking for. Feel free to email me or call.

The fact is, I left for philosophical reasons. Anthony and I were simply not a match for a management team in any sense of the word and I recognized the problem during my orientation visit and my first week attempting to work with Anthony in a corporate setting. I will not place blame; I blame myself for not having looked closer at the situation prior to making such a major career decision. To continue, a primary event that was a strong decision maker for me leaving was that I expected to assume a role as the CEO of the company and as part of that role, have full access to data and funds available, to implement certain pre-discussed changes and improvements and to focus the company on a few key "medical" products and services. I also intended to transact some important acquisitions which would provide revenue, profit and stability for the company.

Anthony and I disagreed from the outset at every level while I was in Florida as to approach, announcements and methodology including my access to books and records and how money would be spent. I realized that this was a no win scenario for me and for shareholders. Today, I remain very disappointed with the outcome, because in the process and through my brief association with this company, I lost considerable time, money, personal credibility and created a potential competitor. After I left, Anthony re-assumed his role as CEO, yet as you pointed out in your last email, my name is still listed in the formal filings in Nevada. I am in the process of trying to rectify that now.

Your question regarding how the business works, may be unanswerable by me. When I went to Florida to assume my new position, I expected to spend a few weeks going through the history, inner working and books of the companies that were active under Tri Star and meet some of the key shareholders personally. That day never came for me. So I really do not know the history well. My intention was (after a complete review of Tri Star) to dramatically simplify the operations anyway. I wanted to eliminate all but two divisions of the company and focus full concentration on one of them for the first year. I felt that if the company could take its existing resources (human and otherwise) and focus them on a well defined attainable goal, things could turn for the better.

Your final question regarding money made, is another one that I really cannot speak to well as I never became a signer on the accounts, never received any money except for expense coverage and I did not last long enough to look at the books in sufficient detail. I also was under the impression that the company was in a pre-revenue state. However, after a cursory review, I was not happy about what I saw as available funds. I know that the funding I assumed was in place or was just around the corner for my test kit products roll out, was not apparent to me. This was another concern of mine which I could never resolve to my satisfaction. However, Anthony may have had access to the funding required outside of my knowledge.

In closing, I hope this helps clear up some of your questions. As you can see, I spent very little time on board with very little actual authority. I never had full access to books, records or inner workings and as a CEO I needed that to do an effective job and to be fully informed. From another view, I knew when I agreed to take on the role as CEO, that the company was not in an ideal position, but I really thought that it could be turned if Anthony would step down and let me have the helm. That's why I agreed to the reverse merger in the first place. But I never expected to encounter the intense philosophical difference and interference that I did. Otherwise, I might have succeeded at least to a certain extent. I have always believed that you could have ten positive forces at work for you yet it only takes one negative force to set back the entire endeavor.


Phil Matteis"

Joke: How do you know when Anthony Mellone is Lying.....
His Mouth is Moving!

Note: ---> moving to Mellone's Scam

Why not try to Stop this SCAM… Instead of perpetuating it?

Do your Due Diligence:

Problems with Anthony Mellone:

Anthony Mellone’s Bogus Resume:

Steven Cohen (vp of tshl) Bogus Resume:

Anthony Mellone’s Gold Scam .. that Larry Wilcox (UCHB) took over: