Let’s Look at UCHB/Larry Wilcox’s Gold Mining Hustle...
(I’ve received some emails asking me to focus on Larry Wilcox’s recent Gold Mining Scam…. Okay... some say the last post was too long.)
One way to determine if Larry Wilcox is for real and not just another SCAM----
Is to see how truthful his paid press releases have been. (Seems fair enough.)
Let’s just look at Larry’s paid press releases concerning UCHB’s recent gold mining endeavor....
(I’ve received some emails asking me to focus on Larry Wilcox’s recent Gold Mining Scam…. Okay... some say the last post was too long.)
One way to determine if Larry Wilcox is for real and not just another SCAM----
Is to see how truthful his paid press releases have been. (Seems fair enough.)
Let’s just look at Larry’s paid press releases concerning UCHB’s recent gold mining endeavor....
# 1 From Paid Press Release Jan 5, 2009
“UC Hub Group, Inc. will introduce a new and proprietary extraction technology that the parties believe will potentially increase the volume of minerals to be extracted using this proprietary method.”
So how did that proprietary extraction technology work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“The technology has been recently utilized in a mining environment and the positive results will now be applied to the minerals of each mine.”
So how did the application of this new technology to the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
# 2 From Paid Press Release Jan 7, 2009
From:Jan 7, 2009 http://finance.yahoo.com/news/UC-Hub-Group-Inc-Acquires-iw-13988452.html
“UC Hub Group has been working with an independent mining geologist to define the economics of said claims”
So how did that definition on the economics of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
From:Jan 7, 2009 http://finance.yahoo.com/news/UC-Hub-Group-Inc-Acquires-iw-13988452.html
“UC Hub Group has been working with an independent mining geologist to define the economics of said claims”
So how did that definition on the economics of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“actual volume mining in tons next week which should be complemented by a geology report that will more accurately represent facts about the property and the potential of pay gravel.”
So how did that geology report concerning the pay gravel work out Larry?
So how did that geology report concerning the pay gravel work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“UC Hub Group, Inc. will concurrently begin forming an appropriate board of advisors with professionals in this field.”
So how did that board of advisors work out Larry?
So how did that board of advisors work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“Per the performance metrics of the new extraction technology and the historic mining technologies, the Company will then recruit appropriate management “
So how did that recruit appropriate management work out Larry?
So how did that recruit appropriate management work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
# 3 From Paid Press Release Jan 21, 2009
“Company management has personally retrieved placer gold from the Wickenburg gravels and our personal due diligence requirements are satisfied.
So What’s the next step Larry… read below..
“we fully expect to proceed with the next evaluation step: geologic assessment of potential volume, grade, and tonnage of the entire property and area of interest by an independent third-party professional.”
So how did that assessment of Wickenburg’s economic potential by an independent third-party professional work out Larry?
So how did that assessment of Wickenburg’s economic potential by an independent third-party professional work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“The Company will continue to proceed with caution, rigorous review, and professional evaluation of the logistics, geology, and economics of Wickenberg”
So how did that rigorous professional evaluation of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
So how did that rigorous professional evaluation of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
# 4 From Paid Press Release Jan 26, 2009
“The Company also anticipates the testing of a leaching technology in February”
So how did that leaching technology testing from Feburary work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“Once these preliminary assays of the concentrates and their value in gold are done we would then continue and expand the budget for a more thorough analysis from the consulting geologist.”
So how did that thorough analysis from the consulting geologist work out Larry?
So how did that thorough analysis from the consulting geologist work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“The Company believes that confirmation of gold in the concentrates is phase one, and then we will begin analyzing the fines, leaching, and relative values quotients.”
So how did that analysis of the relative values quotients of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
So how did that analysis of the relative values quotients of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
# 5 From Paid Press Release Feb 3, 2009
“UC Hub Group, Inc. announces the formal contract and closing with Tri-Star Holdings Inc” ...
Larry ….you just can’t stay away from that other SCAMMER – Anthony Mellone….. birds of a feather….
Larry ….you just can’t stay away from that other SCAMMER – Anthony Mellone….. birds of a feather….
“Now that the formal contract is closed we will begin working on a full Geologist report that is more closely representative of a 43-101 with a Certified Professional Geologist.”
So how did that full Certified Professional Geologist report work out Larry?
So how did that full Certified Professional Geologist report work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“our future shall be defined by the next month of reporting and by the requisite experienced mining staff.”
So, back in February, how did that experienced mining staff work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
So, back in February, how did that experienced mining staff work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“Various new and experienced mining groups are being reviewed as we will need to staff up with historic mining people who have mining credentials.”
So, back in February, how did that staffing up with those mining experts work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
So, back in February, how did that staffing up with those mining experts work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“The week of February we have staff meetings with the new leeching technology and its applications and metrics.”
So how did that staff meeting work out Larry? (Did you rent a large room for the staff meeting? sorry I forgot …. You’re the only staff…lol!)
So how did that staff meeting work out Larry? (Did you rent a large room for the staff meeting? sorry I forgot …. You’re the only staff…lol!)
LIE - Never Happened!
#6 From:Shareholder letter Feb 4, 2009
“There is of course a chronological series of steps for due diligence and subsequent evaluation of each property:
1) confirmation of valuable metals, followed by
2) an estimation of metal potential, followed by
3) determination of metal resource, followed by
4)calculation of metal reserves.
Each step taken will necessarily depend upon the success of the previous step and budgeted accordingly, ensuring maximum shareholder value for funds expended.”
So how did steps 2,3, and 4 at Wickenburg mine work out Larry? (Is step 1.5 “Pretend to purchase mining equipment?.... so sad!)
1) confirmation of valuable metals, followed by
2) an estimation of metal potential, followed by
3) determination of metal resource, followed by
4)calculation of metal reserves.
Each step taken will necessarily depend upon the success of the previous step and budgeted accordingly, ensuring maximum shareholder value for funds expended.”
So how did steps 2,3, and 4 at Wickenburg mine work out Larry? (Is step 1.5 “Pretend to purchase mining equipment?.... so sad!)
LIE - Never Happened!
# 7 From Paid Press Release Feb 9, 2009
“Based on these assay results with said gold confirmations, UC Hub management has decided to now move to a second phase which will include bulk ore to better determine the economics of their 60-acre Wickenberg placer prospect.”
So how did that determination of the economics of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
“The Company can now say with confidence that the sixty-acre cube of precious metals will now warrant the next step of estimations including volume and values of the confirmed gold.”
So how did that estimation of the value of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
So how did that estimation of the value of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
# 8 From Paid Press Release Feb 13, 2009
“Wickenburg mining property…., With these additional samplings, the Company also expects to be able to further delineate the economics of the property”
So how did that delineation of the economics of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
“Wickenburg mining property…., With these additional samplings, the Company also expects to be able to further delineate the economics of the property”
So how did that delineation of the economics of the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
# 9 From Paid Press Release April 23, 2009
“Management will now hire the transport company to move the equipment and install it at the proper location on the private land of the Wickenburg claim.”
So how did that transportation of the mining equipment to the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
“Management will now hire the transport company to move the equipment and install it at the proper location on the private land of the Wickenburg claim.”
So how did that transportation of the mining equipment to the Wickenburg mine work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
#10 From:Shareholder letter May 15, 2009
In reference to the Wickenburg Az mine…”We anticipate the equipment being placed on the mine site next week and will soon update with photos.”
So how did that equipment on the Wickenburg mine site and photos work out Larry?
So how did that equipment on the Wickenburg mine site and photos work out Larry?
LIE - Never Happened!
# 11 From Paid Press Release May 26, 2009
“Some of the equipment arrived today at the site in Montana…. Formal contracts are being prepared this week by counsel for execution.”
Really Larry…Really?.... Moving equipment to this Montana site before the formal contracts are signed?
“The Montana mine will produce revenue from gold and sapphires and will allow UC HUB to place the UC HUB Gold Wash Plant on the private property to begin mining”
Really Larry….Really? Will it produce as much gold as your Wickenburg Mining SCAM?
Really Larry…Really?.... Moving equipment to this Montana site before the formal contracts are signed?
“The Montana mine will produce revenue from gold and sapphires and will allow UC HUB to place the UC HUB Gold Wash Plant on the private property to begin mining”
Really Larry….Really? Will it produce as much gold as your Wickenburg Mining SCAM?
“UC HUB has graded the gold wash plant site and will begin placing its newly acquired wash plant and related equipment in this area”
Really Larry…Really?.... But Larry…. You haven’t even signed the formal contract….
Really Larry…Really?.... But Larry…. You haven’t even signed the formal contract….
...But Larry… you said the mining equipment was going to the Wickenburg Gold Scam Mine….
See all the Crap Larry has put out: http://news.google.com/archivesearch?q=%2B%22uc+hub%22&scoring=t&hl=en&ned=us&um=1&nav_num=100
As an Investor......
How Gullible Are You?
Need more info....
Steven Cohen (vp of tshl) Bogus Resume: http://lyfetec.blogspot.com/2009/03/steven-m-cohen-and-his-lies.html
Problems with Anthony Mellone: http://anthony-mellone.blogspot.com/Anthony Mellone’s Gold Scam .. that Larry Wilcox (UCHB) took over: http://anthonymellone.checkoutmypage.com/
See all of Anthony Mellone’s (tri-star/lietec / lyfetec) Paid Press Releases (aka LIES):http://news.google.com/archivesearch?q=%22anthony+mellone%22+-Basketball%2C+-Nova%2C+-ARAGONA%2C+-Cooper%2C+-Oakland%2C+-Greensboro&btnG=Search+Archives&num=100&hl=en&scoring=t