Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lies…Upon Lies….Upon Lies….from Larry Wilcox!

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive...

Here’s today’s Paid Press Release!

June 18, 2009:
“UC Hub Group, Inc. announces the signing of an Escrow Agreement whereby the 190 million shares of UC Hub stock will be held according to a mutually executed escrow agreement."

But… Wilcox Said He Could Not Be Involved With the 190 Million Shares of UCHB.

Source: Shareholder Letter - April 29, 2009 (on Larry Wilcox said:
“UC HUB Group Inc was instructed by SEC council that we could issue ONE Certificate to TSHL, the Corporation, for the acquisition of these represented assets and the Company could not participate in any way with the direct or indirect real or perceived form of a distribution."


Wilcox Said He Already Gave the 190 Million Shares of UCHB to TSHL.

Source: Shareholder Letter - March 10, 2009 (on Larry Wilcox said:
“we have instructed the Transfer Agent to issue shares to the Corporate entity as consideration for such acquisitions”

Derek, Heidi, and Wendy must be so proud of their dad!


Also …. Just to show you the QUALITY of people Larry Wilcox chooses to do business with…..

Here’s some recent emails I received from your friend & mine Mr. Anthony Mellone…..

From: Anthony Mellone
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:14:11 AMSubject:

Go fXck your self u no nothing I made lots of money on some of those products and made it in top ski magazines shows how much u no. punk. U have a problem meet me asshole. No one is be leaving your shit.

From: Anthony Mellone
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:57:17 PM

WOW, u assholes waste alot of time for nothing. she off the board and that was 11 years ago. so fXck off, dont email me no more dont need to waste my time with and asshole and piece of shit that u r.

From: Anthony Mellone
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 12:12:23 PM

They have no name on your bogus prints, so what if u bet this are hers. Y don’t u go get a real job and fXck yourself. We don’t care what u find or bet. Looser and yr girlfriend…. U

NOTE: Nothing was changed in Mellone’s emails – Except where I put the RED X – to remove the profanity.

Mellone = TSHL = Wilcox = UCHB = SCAM

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to give you a heads up in that Pcom.ob has put out the following news release, I quote "Today, we announced we have signed a non-binding letter of intent with LyfeTec, Inc. to acquire LyfeTec, Inc. LyfeTec is a remanufacturing company which resells home medical test screening kit products."
    The people behind Pcom.ob are Herb Adams CEO, aka Herbert Asselstine (changed his name as soon as he got out of jail) Mary Kricfalusi VP, Thomas Brown Corprate Lawyer and John Dow CA. These guys ran the same scam and are now under investigation by the Halton regional Police and the Ontario Securities Commission.
    100's of investors lost everything, savings, homes an even collage funds to these generates! Sadly a few defrauded investors took there own lives because they could not bear the pain of facing their wives and kids and telling them that all was lost……...
