Herb Adams (CEO PCOM) is an Idiot .. Just like Anthony Mellone (CEO TSHL)!
On Aug 12, 2009 the Shareholder’s of Majestic Supply Company Inc., received a 7-page letter from Herb Adams, (CEO of Printing Components - PCOM).
This letter implied that PCOM had taken over Majestic Supply.
The letter informed the Majestic Supply Shareholders that they must exchange their shares of Majestic Supply for shares of Printing Components (PCOM).
The letter instructed that these shareholders pay an “administration fee” of $ 0.10 per share. And to send this Certified Check, payable to Herb Adams, to:
22 Daffod1 Crescent
Ancaster, Ontario Canada L9K lA3
Yes… you guessed Herb’s House.
Majestic Supply has 16,000,000 outstanding shares….
At 10 cents a share that’s…
16,000,000 x $0.10
$1,600,000 DIRECTLY TO HERB ADAMS!(That’s the way to SCAM Herb!)

Also, Herb Adams is an IDIOT!
On the first page of the letter/fax, Herb Adams lists some of the recent Press Releases that talk about PCOM’s relationship with Lyfetec (Anthony Mellone’s SCAM).
Here’s the Kicker… Herb Adams Lists this Blog http://lyfetec.blogspot.com/ as the source of the Press Releases…..
Herb Adams (PCOM SCAM) is as Stupid as Anthony Mellone (Macada Holdings SCAM)
Herb Adams has also been charged criminally with fraud - $4 Million dollars. Ouch.
ReplyDeleteHis counter parts - Mary Krichfalusi, Thomas Brown (lawyer) were also involved.
KALO trading symbol on pinksheets shows a whole lot of activity. This is what became of PCOM. Printing Components= Diamond Technologies= Kallo Inc.
ReplyDeleteWhat a con job. Read the financials. Company has nothing but some valueless copyrights that went from a $300.00 value in a reverse swap with Rophe Medical (a dormant company until a week before the takeover) to $865,000 the very next filing. Since then Herb Adams has been fired but managed to sell his $20 worth of crap stockholdings for $240,000. Mary Kricfalusi is still a major stockholder, so is John Dow. NOW inspite fo the fact that the company has nothing of value, no real staff, no real technology and no real market somebody is tradng 100,000 share lots for over 20 cents a share. Herb Adams friends still hold stock for him and he's still got over 500k of the crap. The OSC will sanction him in a month and he's in criminal court in June on the fraud with his other compnies. Wow.
Herb Adams to be sentenced and taken into custody January 09 Milton Court at 9 am court room 16.
ReplyDeleteAdams Lawyer is asking for 2 years crown is asking for 7 years
Herbert Adams was sentenced to 5.5 years in jail on his release he has 6 years to repay the investors. If he fails to do so he will be returned to Jail to serve another 6 years. I hope he dies in Jail for all the pain he has coursed the investors.
ReplyDeleteAdams also fined $1.6 million and ordered to pay $5.3 million to avoid the extra 6 years incarceration. Adams says he's broke. The prospect of 11.5 years might change his mind....
ReplyDeleteAs an old "investor" in one of this skunks previous scams, in the later 1990's , I emotionally danced with joy upon reading this news in my local Hamilton Spectator newspaper, as reported by the distinguished Mr. Steve Buist ( investigative reporter and deserved winner of many awards), who actively pursued this matter from the beginning. Many thanks to Steve. Adams took me for about 20K, and stole the same amount from my naïve 78 year old mother behind my back (despite the fact that I urged her not to give the skunk a dime...yet after making her promise not to tell me, convinced her to loan him $25000, a 10 day bridge loan, to finance his previous scam JUMA HOLDINGS). 10 days later he and his family were at Disneyworld FLA. - guess where he got the money, and of course the "bridge" loan was never repaid. He was probably meeting wit Mellone at the time.
ReplyDeleteIt's too late for me to recover any of my families money but to those more recent victims, I offer the following.
Before I realized the nature of the rat that I was dealing with, we spoke very often, and on more than one occasion, when his guard was down (or when he was high...he's addicted to Tylenol 3 codeine and used to hit my mom up for 20 pills a visit and take them all within an hour) he often mentioned "RAINY DAY Investments" in the Cayman Islands. I am convinced (but have no direct knowledge) he has hidden much of the $5.3 million either directly, or in conjunction either Mellone, Kricfalusi , or his sons business ...a photography enterprise named after Herbs original Jewish surname before he changed it to Adams. Back in the late '90s when I unsuccessfully attempted to locate my families money I did locate a couple of companies that specialize in finding money, illegally hidden under the same general situation that exists here. I feel for the most recent scam victims, and I'm hopeful that some of them may wish to follow up in locating their stolen money in this manner. Also the lead investigator of the Halton Regional Police (Oakville , Ontario, Canada) is Det. Const. Keith Nakahara, who may also be able to assist. Good luck, I can't bear the thought that this rat may think he's sitting on a stolen goldmine he think he'll be able to access in 5.5 years. This is all I can offer at this time, but should any interested party have any questions, and as I will monitor this site, please post them here, and I'll attempt a follow-up answer...
Mary Kricfalusi is the key. Herb entrusts all of his paper and record keeping to her. She will have any Cayman accounts information. He did not trust his wife. In passing it was mentioned to me that she had a storage unit with boxes of papers in it. They never kept too much paperwork at their offices. Check Barbados for accounts as well. He went there quite a few times. He went with a Lawyer friend of his. I can't remember the Lawyers name. I wish I did. The other connection is that a Securities Lawyer from Spokane Washington was a friend and confidant of Herbs his name is Conrad Lysiek. I am sure he pushed many of Herbs dirty deals through or told him how to cover his tracks. They spoke often. Watch Mary Kricfalusi, he will meet her or speak with her and she will move paperwork or money.
DeleteWill the same story repeat with Kallo Inc.? Seems like this is a company Herb Adams used to be involved with.
ReplyDeleteAs per the SEC Kallo Inc.’s history is as follows:
“We were incorporated in the state of Nevada on December 12, 2006 as Printing Components Inc. and then changed our name to Diamond Technologies Inc. and then to our current name of Kallo Inc. On December 11, 2009, we merged with Kallo Technologies Inc. (formerly known as Rophe Medical Technologies Inc.)”
So who were the key people at “Diamond Technologies”. According to the SEC they were:
• Herb Adams, 30.17% of shares
• Mary Kricfalusi, Secretary and a Director, 30.43% of shares
• Leonard Steinmetz, Teasurer, Principal Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer, 0.654% of shares
• John Cecil, Director, 12.17% of shares
• Vince Leitao, President, Principal Executive Officer, and a Director, 0.889% of Shares
• Samuel Baker, Director, 3.04% of shares
• John Dow, 15.21% of shares
Where are they now:
Herb Adams: On Jan 9, 2015 “Adams was sentenced to five-and-a-half years in prison Friday after being found guilty in a Milton court of four counts of fraud over $5,000 for a complicated scam that swindled more than 100 investors from across Canada out of at least $5.3 million… In addition to the prison term, Justice Richard LeDressay hit Adams with a $1.6-million fine and a $5.3-million restitution order….Once Adams is released from prison, he will have six years to pay off the $1.6-million fine. If he fails to do so, he will return to prison for six additional years.”
Mary Kricfalusi: December 2, 2013 “OSC Panel Issues Sanctions Against Majestic Supply Co. Inc, Suncastle Developments Corporation, Herbert Adams, Steve Bishop, Mary Kricfalusi, Kevin Loman and CBK Enterprises Inc.”
“Trading and registration bans ranging from eight to 20 years were levied against Adams, Bishop, Loman and Kricfalusi. Additionally, Adams was ordered to pay a $300,000 penalty, Bishop is to pay $100,000, Loman must pay $75,000, and Kricfalusi has to pay $50,000 as administrative penalties.”
Leonard Steinmetz: He sued Kallo “Leonard Steinmetz v. Kallo Inc. , Case No. CV11-1133, pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York wherein Leonard Steinmetz, our former treasurer, principal financial officer, and principal accounting has filed suit for breach of his employment contract, breach of covenant of good faith and fair dealing, unjust enrichment, and quantum merit.”
John Cecil, Vince Leitao and Samuel Baker: Kallo
If Herb Adams has been involved with any company. Let me tell you he is the "KING" of shady dealings. There would not be one business that he touched that didn't get scammed. Some figured it out and were so locked in that they could do nothing about it. MARY KRICFALUSI has been known to hide his papers in a storage unit. He trusts her more than anyone. She is not just a secretary!
DeleteOMG! I am so happy to see that this has happened to these idiots. I had my own run in with them. I got away with my life after it was threatened. They bought and sold stock in my name without my knowledge. Mary Krisfalusi is an expert forger of signatures. Herb and her father were best friends. By the way "Herb Adams" is not the name he was born with. He changed it to that legally. I am sure if they investigated the name he was born with they would find much more. If I ever came forward things would get worse for all of them to be sure. (Herb Adams in jail made my year!)
ReplyDeleteIt's been almost 20 years that I have waited for this moment. KARMA!