Yes, according to the sited information…
Larry Wilcox was involved with Michael Syroejine (aka Michael Guss) a Convicted Russian Mobster.
“individual who was known by several names, including Michael Guss and Michael Syroejine (hereinafter referred to as “Guss”).”
“In 1996, Guss pled guilty and was convicted in the United States of money laundering.
Guss cooperated with federal prosecutors and testified against members of a Russian organized
crime group in exchange for avoiding jail time. As a result of the 1996 conviction, Guss was
disqualified from registration. See Article III, Section 4(g) of NASD’s By-Laws.”
Source: http://www.finra.org/web/groups/industry/@ip/@enf/@adj/documents/nacdecisions/p018659.pdf
“Michael Guss was one of Larry Wilcox’s associates”
Source: http://www.discovervancouver.com/forum/Interesting-Russian-mobster-related-lawsuit-t216290.html
AND Yes Larry Wilcox has been accused of….
"Larry Wilcox burned through more than fourteen million dollars at UCHUB while producing little to no revenue”
Source: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_pwwi/is_200710/ai_n21031944/?tag=untagged
It also looks like Larry Wilcox has been up to many interesting things…… READ ON
“Larry Wilcox, an individual (“WILCOX”); Leonard Gotshalk, an individual (“LEONARD”);” - taken directly from UCHUB’s own 8-K filings
Source: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1072935/000114420407063811/v095351_ex99-2.htm
“Leonard William Gotshalk has a history of criminal activity. In December of 2001, Leonard Gotshalk was arrested on multiple felony charges of aggravated theft and racketeering in the State of Oregon (Case # 010623FE).”
Source: http://www.mywire.com/a/PRNewswire/4676455
“Previous management, led by Mr. Larry Wilcox, had presided over a plunge in the company's stock price from approximately 65 cents per share to fewer than 5 cents per share in a very short period of time.”
"Larry Wilcox burned through more than fourteen million dollars at UCHUB while producing little to no revenue. It seems he felt he could bring the same game here because over one million dollars was invested into PSPP's eSafe over the past one year and Mr. Wilcox has produced no financial records to prove where the money has been spent. In the company's 15c-211, Wilcox had promised that eSafe would be generating substantial revenues within ninety days. The result was a mere five thousand dollars in revenues.”
"False accusations have been made against me and my family. We built this company from a shell over a three year period. and we feel those accusations are being used as a diversionary tactic to hide the fact that Wilcox, Ostrower and UCHUB have failed to prove ownership of the nearly twenty three million restricted shares of PSPP which should still be in their possession.”
“Kyle Gotshalk has been subjected to physical threats from Wilcox and Ostrower, Gotshalk said, It is true that physical harm threats have been made against me and my family.”
Source: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_pwwi/is_200710/ai_n21031944/?tag=untagged
“Previous management, led by Mr. Larry Wilcox, had presided over a plunge in the company's stock price from approximately 65 cents per share to fewer than 5 cents per share in a very short period of time”
“PSPP Holdings' President Kyle Gotshalk stated, "Larry Wilcox burned through more than fourteen million dollars at UCHUB while producing little to no revenue. It seems he felt he could bring the same game here because over one million dollars was invested into PSPP's eSafe over the past one year and Mr. Wilcox has produced no financial records to prove where the money has been spent.”
“In the company's 15c-211, Wilcox had promised that eSafe would be generating substantial revenues within ninety days. The result was a mere five thousand dollars in revenues. This was wholly inadequate and the new management team and Board of Directors felt it was essential that a change at the top had to be made."
Source: http://www.stockinvestmentfraud.com/pdf/detail.cfm?id=212819&article=TRUE
“Removed Larry Wilcox as Chairman and CEO of PSPP Holdings, Inc. and also removed Mr. Wilcox as an officer of Esafe, the company's wholly owned subsidiary.”
“under the direction of Larry Wilcox, has received over one million dollars in funding but has continued to fail to meet promised benchmarks.
It gets worse too.
Wilcox has failed to produce records of the expense and payroll accounts of Esafe. We did not feel shareholders should tolerate such behavior for one day longer."
"UCHUB, a majority shareholder, refuses to verify the 22,890,000 restricted shares which should still be in its possession.
Our management now suspects that some of these shares have been used for hypothecation and funding purposes.
In addition, the affiliate accusations that 'consultant' David Osterower and former CEO Larry Wilcox have made against me and the other founders of the company have been referred to our Legal Counsel.
The affiliate shares that have been referred to by Osterower and Wilcox, under false accusations, have come nowhere near allowed sales under Rule 144, at any time.”
Source: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_pwwi/is_200710/ai_n21031434/
“Larry Wilcox, however, seems to have strayed to the wrong side of the law!”
“Larry took his first steps down the wrong path when he went into business.”
Source: http://www.theinsider.com/news/515554_Partner_in_Crime_Pay_Mr._Clean_Cut
“Here is a lawsuit filing about the former CHPS TV actor Larry Wilcox and a company, PSPP Holdings, in which it is alleged he is involved with Russian Mobsters.”
Source: http://www.hmtk.com/archives/248-investing-selling-short.html
The Settlement Agreement
Source: http://www.secinfo.com/d16P7f.u1z.d.htm
The Rescission Agreement
Source: http://msnmoney.brand.edgar-online.com/EFX_dll/EDGARpro.dll?FetchFilingHTML1?ID=5560472&SessionID=txp3WohEzEop249
“Larry Wilcox, an individual (“WILCOX”); Leonard Gotshalk, an individual (“LEONARD”);” - taken directly from UCHUB’s own 8-K filings
Source: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1072935/000114420407063811/v095351_ex99-2.htm
“Leonard William Gotshalk has a history of criminal activity. In December of 2001, Leonard Gotshalk was arrested on multiple felony charges of aggravated theft and racketeering in the State of Oregon (Case # 010623FE).”
Source: http://www.mywire.com/a/PRNewswire/4676455
“reputed Russian mob boss Alexander Bor posed with pals for a snapshot taken by the waiter.
Then he turned to his new friend, an enterprising young Russian who went by the name Michael Guss,”
Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2001/04/05/2001-04-05_stoolie_cracked__mafiya___ex.html
“Contrary to the Wilcox Decl. (2:6-7), Larry Wilcox (Wilcox) is neither the President of PSPP Holdings, Inc. (PSPP) nor its CEO”
“On August 16, 2007 I was forced by means of the following threats to sign the following documents”
“I was told that I was going to a meeting where Larry Wilcox would be waiting to talk to Leonard Gotshalk and me to sort things out once and for all.”
“Michael Guss was one of Larry Wilcox’s associates (Exhibit G is a true and correct copy of a letter I received that shows the relationship between Larry Wilcox and Michael Guss).”
“Michael Guss told me that:
(i) Larry had borrowed over $1,500,000 from an Italian Muslim fund overseas, and that they had waited long enough for their money;
(ii) Larry Wilcox has blamed my father and I for all of Larry Wilcox’s wrongdoings;
(iii) there were no more options, and Mr. Resi’s group were now going to come and get their $1,500,000 from me or PSPP if I did not comply with their demands; and
(iv) if I did not resign and sign these documents prepared by Larry Wilcox that I would be in GRAVE DANGER, that my family and I would be taken down and my life would be ruined by the not so boy scout type of men, and that Larry Wilcox had blamed all the money being spent, and all of the PSPP shares that were sold in the market, on me, my father, Leonard Gotshalk, and my sister, Cherish Adams.”
“I also learned subsequent to the meeting that Michael Guss was connected to organized crime, and has been convicted of money laundering, as stated in footnote 4 on page 4 of Exhibit H, which is a true and correct copy of pages 1-5, and 24 of NASD’s February 12, 2007 DECISION in Complaint No. C06040027.”
“Because of these threats I understand and believe that my purported resignation and the above other documents I signed on August 16, 2007 are null and void.”
“The above threats were subsequently confirmed by Michael Guss in his September 6, 2007 e-mail to Galina Vaynter, which she forwarded to me (Exhibit I is a true and correct copy thereof).”
“More specifically that e-mail stated in part that a false 8-K would be filed to hurt me and my family’s reputation, that we were all up against the Italian Muslims with extremely deep pockets, and that these men would not stop until they had recovered from me and PSPP all their losses that Larry Wilcox had caused.”
“Larry Wilcox spent all this money on his own; he never even disclosed to PSPP that he had borrowed money using PSPP stock as the vehicle for raising these funds with the Italian Muslims.”
“Larry Wilcox (telephonically) and Michael Guss both told me on August 16, 2007 that if I resigned and if I signed the other documents “
“Wilcox approved the selling of over 8,250,000 PSPP shares into the market in September 2007; which I believe and understand was a major reason for PSPP’s stock decline.”
“Wilcox and (on information and belief) Laurel Poffenroth, the transfer agent at Pac West Transfer, arbitrarily decided whose shares were permitted to be sold and whose shares were not permitted to be sold”
“Larry Wilcox replaced it with financial statements that in certain respects were false and inaccurate.”
“I was forced to resign on August 16, 2007 as a result of the above described duress and coercion”
“Larry Wilcox and his associates falsified their credentials in order to change the Edgar codes that I had in my possession.”
“Wilcox or David Ostrower called the SEC in late August 2007 using my name and changed the Edgar codes.”
“The codes were granted back to me by the SEC because PSPP never gave the Edgar codes to Wilcox.”
“Wilcox took these domains hostage by illegally procuring my domain and password”
“ Larry Wilcox was using the websites to disseminate false information and attempting to hurt my family and me with false investor relations emails from the website directed at my father and me”
“Larry Wilcox repeatedly told me during 2006-2007 about Leonard Gotshalk’s criminal conviction.”
“Leonard Gotshalk’s criminal conviction was disclosed.”
Source: http://www.discovervancouver.com/forum/Interesting-Russian-mobster-related-lawsuit-t216290.html
Source: http://www.hmtk.com/archives/248-investing-selling-short.html
Don’t be another SUCKER! Do your Due Diligence
http://www.sunbiz.org/ corioff.html (enter Mellone)
http://or.occompt.com/recorder/web/ Search under "BOTH NAMES" (Mellone Anthony)
I have seen a similar report on Larry Wilcox, but it stated he made 140,000. ripping of consumers. My only question is if he is quilty of this why would he risk future revenues from past television shows,movies and so on for a scam that only pays him 140,000. a year.I used to live in L.A. and have friends that are in the film industry, that their shows wasn't as famous as his that make alot more money than 140,000 a year on residuals.Now don't get me wrong if he is a crook than he needs to do time like any other red-blooded American, but if this is all just slander that is against the law as well.
It seems that this blog has a reliable source for all of these quotes, including court documents.
ReplyDeleteSeems like he's just reporting the truth on Larry Wilcox.
All this gobbaldy goop for what? None of this shit makes any sense. If these guys really wanted to steal, than why don't they use a gun like normal criminals do?